Sunday, May 13, 2007

We humbly suggest that you can do both

What a sweet day. It's funny how I can feel like the sticky floor of a movie theater and then remember that I am a child of the ruler of the universe and ask Him to make things better for me... and He does. I spent a lot of today studying and generally laying around the house, not what I would have picked for my second to last Saturday in Alaska for a while. It kind of got me down until I started asking God which direction to move for the evening.

So I ended up buying a
sweet backpack for my summer travels. I think it was a wise purchase. Should last me for a while and it's freakin sweet. Did I mention that it's sweet?

My indecision at REI made me late for the movie that I had debated going to all day, but when I spoke with the Lord, I felt like I didn't have much of a choice. I don't want to spoil
Amazing Grace for you, but the passion of the main character and his single-minded pursuit of God's calling on his life reminded me of who I am. We are called to different things in this life, but whatever we do, we are called to worship through. I want to absolutely pour everything I have into every task that the Lord sets before me. I want to be the best student in the world for Him, I want to be the best surgeon, I want to be the best skier. I WANT PASSION for every second of every day and I want it because God deserves a life FULLY lived for Him.

After being severely inspired, I decided to get over myself and not worry about the pride thing and invited the crew that I watched the movie with over for prayer. You know, some Christians get together EVERY DAY???? Craziness. Of course, it turned out to be an AWESOME night and some people received mucho encouragement from the Lord, myself definitely included. Passion was stirred up among His people and friendships were deepened. Holy cow God is cool (can I say that?). I love this being obedient thing. I think I'll try it tomorrow.

(oh, P.S. the title of this is in reference to the movie, in answer to the main character's ponderance over whether he should pursue God or continue his political career... a little parallelism there for a lot of folks)

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