Thursday, July 26, 2007

Continued Progress

Dear All,

Today was a better day for Daniel! Daniel's treatment for anemia seems to be helping - IVs of iron. His pneumonia is being worked on - breathing treatments, new antibiotics, etc. He walked several more laps today than yesterday when he was so tired and drowsy. He was able to interact with my sister, Aunt Sara, when she got to the hospital (yea for reinforcements!). He sat in the chair for awhile. Several little things. Little things mean a lot.

Also exciting, Ross Baldwin called today when he was on a layover in Houston headed home to Alaska from Ecuador. It was so good to hear his voice. God has really sustained him. We pray rich blessings on him as he does an internship in Fairbanks for a month then on to Seattle to continue with Med School. The verse I read a couple of days ago that reminds me of Ross is: John 15:13

"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends."

So needless to say, Eddie and I are doing better. We felt your prayers throughout the day. The sweet words of encouragement we have received help us so much. We, like everyone else, need the love of our brothers and sisters. So thank you for lifting us up in so many ways. God is sending blessings from different directions. He wants us to not forget how creative He is. Or how much He has the bases covered. Incredible. We don't walk this walk alone -- but with you and God with us.

As I mentioned, Aunt Sara is here. In some ways we are different as sisters and in some ways very much alike. She is very tender-hearted. So when given the option of looking at the wound care specialist change the sponge/ wound care stuff on Daniel's back, she opted to stay on the other side of the bed and shed some tears as she saw his physical pain. (Been there, done that.) She is going to take duty tomorrow night. She will fit right in with the other attending night monitors (Sara Ann and Jonathan) who can also read big honker books (that means 700-1000 page books) like A History of the American People, Harry Potter and Einstein. Eddie and I can only read little wimpy 200-300 page books like A New Kind of Christian, Irresistible Revolution, and a.k.a. Lost: Discovering Ways to Connect with he People Jesus Misses Most . Its not fair they can read them all.

So tonight its a little easier to focus on God's plan and his glory. After a long couple of days. Have you ever noticed how some days are just longer than others? Especially those days you don't want to repeat!

We love you and appreciate you. All praise to God. The creator of all.

Sweet dreams.


Eddie, Marilyn, Daniel, Sara Ann, and Jonathan

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