Friday, July 20, 2007

Surgery Results a.k.a. Being Showered in Prayer Helps

Dear All,

Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! Daniel is out of surgery and it went well. He did in fact have his right colon removed. But more importantly, Dr. Eliason removed a lot of infection that needed to be taken care of for him to be healed. He said that before he thought that was what needed to be done but now he knows that was exactly what needed to be done. So, thank you for your prayers for Dr. Eliason having wisdom.

We were blessed to have many of you with us in heart and prayer this afternoon and several in person. We did have to behave ourselves in the surgery waiting room since we had an elder from Pleasant Ridge, an elder from N. Davis and an elder from New York Ave present. We thank God for each of you that were present in person or in spirit. What a blessed encouragement to Eddie and me!

I would like to say that Daniel is resting comfortably but in fact with a tube up his nose and pain from surgery, he is going to have a tough couple of days. But that is ok. Its the cost of healing. I don't say that to be flippant. I don't like to see my baby suffer. I say that because I know that is how Daniel feels about it. I don't expect Jonathan to get much of Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborn (Daniel's favorite book right now) read tonight between giving Daniel chips of ice and other things. Please pray for Daniel to be pain free quickly.

We are so grateful that there is a clear plan. For example, Daniel has a hole in his back still for drainage that they will purposefully keep open for awhile. Our friend Connie was talking about wound care this afternoon and then Dr. Hendrickson told us she was going to order the exact wound care products that nurse Connie talked about. Coincidence? I think not.

How long will Daniel be in the hospital? About a week, give or take. Jonathan can stay in town until next weekend so that should work out well with him and Sara Ann trading off night shift.

Thank you for your continued love and support. To God be all glory and praise. We place You in the highest place. Sweet dreams to each of you.

Eddie, Marilyn, Daniel, Sara Ann and Jonathan

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